Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hetalia Kink Meme: Prussia

I've been meaning to do the Hetalia Kink Meme from dA for a while. As you can see, I got a bit carried away.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Wheeee, reference, this time. ><>

Monday, June 21, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Your Face

The other picture that got deleted form deviantArt. I tried some weird colouring techniques with this one; I'm not really sure if I like it that much, but it was a good concept. Since they're not coloured, it's a bit hard to tell, but this is Switzerland and Poland. Somehow, I really like seme!Poland. :3


This is one of my pictures that actually got deleted from deviantArt. Even in the name, we're deviant, but I guess not is a sexual way? Well, they're a respected site, and it does say "no porn" in the terms of use. As a Canadian, I love seme!Canada, even if it's OOC. I think he can be a bit yandere, though... And uke!America is something I really enjoy, too. Especially with humiliation. :3


This one is still on Tinypic, but I don't trust them. Also, I'd like to have everything in one place, as to better organize it. *a little bit OCD*


So quite a while ago, I drew a picture of Austria and Switzerland. But when my Tinypic got deleted *cue angry mumbling* the full version of it was also wiped from the internet. Well I'm not okay with that, so I'm posting it here. (Well, actually, I plan to post all my inappropriate art here, so I would have happened eventually.)

Femtalia Orgy

For the Hetalia kinkmeme. The request was here. It asked for all the canon female charcters, but I left Taiwan and Belgium out. I don't feel like I know them well enough, and besides, there's only so much room on a sheet of A4 paper.